Curriculum Vitae

Daniel N. Bullock;

Alexandria, VA, USA

Whether conducting research, developing software, working with data, or advancing policy, my work aims to improve the efficiency and impact of the collective activities of the broader scientific community. Across the entire spectrum of scientific endeavors--all the way from bench work to policy and even philosophical conceptualization--I strive to foster the virtuous cycle of insight formation, validation, and extension. In our modern era of research these priorities demand a critical focus on all levels of the socio-technical processes associated with how we produce, interact, store, share, and use data. My work is dedicated to the advancement of these processes, and the development of tools and practices that support the scientific community in these endeavors.


Ph.D., Psychology, Neuroscience
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Program in Neuroscience

6 / 2015 to 6 / 2021

B.S., Biology
at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC),
Department of Biological Sciences

Minor(s): Math, Genetics
8 / 2005 to 5 / 2006 , &
8 / 2012 to 5 / 2015

Graduate Program, Philosophy
at University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH),
Department of Philosophy

8 / 2009 to 5 / 2011

B.A., Psychology, Philosophy
at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC),
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Minor(s): Cognitive Science
8 / 2006 to 5 / 2009


Science and Engineering Technical Advisor (SETA) [Contractor]
at The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) (Washington, D.C.),
Health Science Futures (HSF)

Supervised by Ileana Hancu( )
Domain: Technology Development, Translation, and Transfer
Type: Project Management, Research
Dates: 7 / 2024
Workload: 40 hrs per week
As a Science and Engineering Technical Advisor (SETA) I serve as the primary expert overseeing a collection of ARPA-H projects with a total annual budget of more than \$18 million and a total project-lifetime budget of more than \$80 million. In addition to this, I serve as secondary SETA on projects with a total annual budget of more than \$23 million and a total project-lifetime budget of more than \$125 million. I provide technical guidance and oversight to project teams and ARPA-H personnel, regularly interface with internal and external stakeholders, track project milestone progress, and review incoming proposals. I also help scope and design new projects, and serve as the primary architect of the [Imaging Data Exchange (INDEX)]( program's major technical requirements (TA 2).
Technical skills: Dataset Quality Assessment, Data Science, Data Visualization, Figure Generation, Platform Design
Non-technical skills: Problem Scoping, Project Management, Documentation, Literature Review, Budget Oversight, Program Management, Proposal Review, Report Development, Virtual Presentations
Science and Technology Policy Fellow
at National Science Foundation (Alexandria, VA),
Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure

Supervised by Alejandro Suarez( ) , Robert Beverly( )
Domain: Open Science and Cyberinfrastructure policy
Type: Research, Policy
Dates: 8 / 2022 to 7 / 2024
Workload: 40 hrs per week
As an AAAS STPF Fellow placed in the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) I have engaged in a wide range of endeavors supporting the mission of the OAC. These include assisting with the Pathways to Open Source Ecosystem (POSE) (e.g., panels, revising program description, triage), several ongoing endeavors supporting NSF Public access efforts, and internal reviews. My interagency work includes assisting with the OSTP's Subcommittee on Open Science's (SOS) Open Science Infrastructure (OSI) Working Group, where I performed an analysis using openly accessible data from federal agencies and incorporated these results into a report on current agency investments in Open Science Infrastructure. I also serve as a member of the NSF team coordinating and organizing the multi-agency National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot program, in particular assisting with the development of practices and policies related to data.
Technical skills: Python, Linux, Git, XML, JSON, Big Data, Data Scraping, Dataset Quality Assessment, Data Science, Data Visualization, Figure Generation, Jupyter Notebooks, Open-Source Development, Open-Source Software
Non-technical skills: Problem Solving, Problem Scoping, Project Management, Documentation, Science Communication, Grant Management, Program Management, Grant Review, Literature Review, Policy, Federal Science Policy, Open Science Policy, Public Access Policy, Policy Drafting, Policy Documentation Development, Report Development, Interagency Working Groups, Virtual Presentations
Postdoctoral Researcher
at University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN),
Medical School, Department of Neuroscience

Supervised by Sarah Heilbronner( ) , Jan Zimmermann( )
Domain: Computational Neuroanatomy
Type: Research
Dates: 7 / 2021 to 7 / 2022
Workload: 40+ hrs per week
As a postdoctoral researcher I produced automated segmentation methods for the brain's major white matter tracts in tractography using cross-species and literature-based information. These tools allowed for the cross-referencing of 'ground truth' studies of non-human primate brain connectivity anatomy with imaging based studies of human brain connectivity anatomy, and have also served as anatomy models used in the development of deep brain stimulation (DBS) techniques and technologies. This also entailed the visualization of tractography and segmentation results, as well as the quantification of tract properties. To ensure the replicability and stability of these products I developed, documented, and maintained several code repositories.
Technical skills: Python, Linux, Git, Docker, Neuroimaging Software Packages, Neuroimaging, Neuroanatomy, Neuroscience, Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS), Neuroimaging Data Structures, Neuroimaging Data Processing, 3-D Image Processing, Medical Image Processing, Bash and Shell Scripting, Big Data, Dataset Quality Assessment, Data Science, Jupyter Notebooks, Containerization, Open-Source Development, Open-Source Software, High Performance Computing (HPC), Data Visualization, Testing and Debugging, Coordinated/Collaborative Testing and Debugging, Statistical Analysis, Advanced Statistical Analysis
Non-technical skills: Self-guided Problem Solving, Problem Scoping, Project Management, Collaboration, Documentation, Science Communication, Manuscript Production, Manuscript Editing, Mentorship, Virtual Presentations
Application developer and maintainer
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Program in Neuroscience

Supervised by Franco Pestilli( ) , Soichi Hayashi( )
Domain: Platform Development
Type: Development
Dates: 7 / 2017 to 7 / 2023
Workload: ~ 5 - 10 hrs per week
As an application developer for the brainlife platform, I was responsible for the production and maintenance of containerized brain-data processing applications, enabling drastically simplified use of advanced processing and analysis techniques. This entailed the creation of novel data processing and visualization code, as well as adaptation of existing resources. I also engaged in testing, monitoring, and feedback on service deployment and coordination. I also led the scoping, creation, coordination, and maintenance of specific data formats/standards.
Technical skills: Python, Matlab, JSON, Markdown, Linux, Git, Neuroimaging Software Packages, Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS), Neuroimaging, Neuroimaging Data Structures, Neuroimaging Data Processing, 3-D Image Processing, Bash and Shell Scripting, Big Data, Dataset Quality Assessment, Data Science, Docker, Containerization, High Performance Computing (HPC), Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD), Testing and Debugging, Coordinated/Collaborative Testing and Debugging, Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis, Advanced Statistical Analysis
Non-technical skills: Problem Scoping, Project Management, Collaboration, Teamwork, Task Specialization, Multi-endeavor Balancing and Prioritization, Documentation, Client/Stakeholder Engagement, Rapid Iteration Production, Rapid Adaptation, Long-Term Product/Project Maintenance, Documentation Life-cycle Management, Soliciting and Incorporating Client Feedback, Progress Reporting, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CI/CD) Methods
Graduate Student/Researcher
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Program in Neuroscience

Supervised by Franco Pestilli( )
Domain: Computational Neuroanatomy
Type: Research
Dates: 6 / 2015 to 6 / 2021
Workload: 40+ hrs per week
As a graduate student researcher I developed and implemented automated segmentation methods for major white matter tracts in tractography, enabling personalized models of brain anatomy and connectivity. This also entailed the visualization of tractography and segmentation results, as well as the quantification of tract properties and development of tractography quality assurance methods. This work required a deep review of contemporary and historical neuroanatomy literature.
Technical skills: Python, Matlab, Linux, Git, Neuroimaging Software Packages, Neuroimaging, Neuroanatomy, Neuroscience, Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS), Neuroimaging Data Structures, Neuroimaging Data Processing, 3-D Image Processing, Medical Image Processing, Bash and Shell Scripting, Big Data, Dataset Quality Assessment, Data Science, Jupyter Notebooks, High Performance Computing (HPC), Data Visualization, Statistical Analysis, Advanced Statistical Analysis
Non-technical skills: Self-guided problem solving, Problem Scoping, Project Management, Collaboration, Multi-endeavor Balancing and Prioritization, Project Schedule Development and Coordination, Documentation, Science Communication, Manuscript Production, Manuscript Editing, Public Speaking, Presentation Development and Delivery, Research Methods, Research Design, Mentorship
Graduate Student Researcher Representative
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Bloomington Faculty Council (BFC)

Domain: Academic Governance
Type: Leadership/Service, Policy
Dates: 8 / 2017 to 5 / 2021
Workload: ~ 1 hrs per week
As a voting member of the Bloomington Faculty Council (BFC), I represented graduate student researchers on all matters coming before the council, including campus-level policy, resolutions, and campus development planning. I often met or interacted with campus/university administrators on specific issues and persistent ad hoc committees.
Non-technical skills: Advocacy, Constituency Engagement, Constituency Representation, Rapport Building, Institutional Advocacy, Institutional Collaboration, Institutional Engagement, Policy Representation, Collaboration, Communication, Public Speaking, University Policy, University Development Strategy, Public Speaking, Robert's Rules of Order
Member, Research Affairs Committee (RAC)
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Bloomington Faculty Council (BFC)

Domain: Academic Governance
Type: Leadership/Service, Policy
Dates: 8 / 2017 to 5 / 2021
Workload: ~ 1 hrs per week
As a member of the Research Affairs Committee I represented graduate student researchers on campus issues related to research affairs. Regular meeting topics included COVID impacts, conflict of interest management, research disclosures, campus open access policies, NTT researchers, and other subjects. Worked with campus stakeholders and administrators from the Office of Research Administration, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, and others.
Non-technical skills: Constituency Representation, Rapport Building, Institutional Advocacy, Institutional Collaboration, Institutional Engagement, Research Policy, Research Ethics, Research Staffing, Conflict of Interest Management, Institutional Research Policy, Open Access Policy
Member, Technology Policy Committee
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Bloomington Faculty Council (BFC)

Domain: Academic Governance
Type: Leadership/Service, Policy
Dates: 8 / 2020 to 5 / 2021
Workload: ~ 1 hrs per week
As a member of the technology policy committee, I represented Indiana University graduate student researchers on campus issues related to technology implementation. Regular meeting topics of this group included virtual conferencing (e.g. Zoom), email and data platforms, and research data storage and ownership.
Non-technical skills: Committee Representation, Advocacy, Technology Policy Development, Research Data Policy, Institutional Engagement
Graduate Teaching Assistant
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Domain: Psychology
Type: Teaching
Dates: 8 / 2017 to 5 / 2018 , &
           8 / 2020 to 5 / 2021
Workload: ~ 15 - 20 hrs per week
Across four semesters as a graduate teaching assistant, I provided assistance with grading and classroom management, led discussion sections, and held office hours for various courses in research methods and statistics, cognitive neuroscience, and social neuroscience.
Non-technical skills: Performance Assessment, Classroom Management, Discussion Section Coordination, Individualized Instruction, Feedback Provision
Chair, Benefits committee
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Indiana University Graduate and Professional Student Government

Domain: Academic Governance
Type: Leadership/Service, Policy
Dates: 8 / 2020 to 5 / 2021
Workload: ~ 1 - 2 hrs per week
As chair of the Benefits committee in the Indiana University Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG), I represented and advocated on behalf of graduate and professional students on issues related to compensation, benefits, and professional issues. I regularly met and communicated with university administrators, including the Dean of University Graduate School, about policy development, mutual endeavors, and specific concerns. I was also a member of the GPSG executive committee and managed a team of graduate student representatives.
Non-technical skills: Leadership, Committee Management, Advocacy, Communication, Team Management, Constituency Engagement, Human Resources and Benefits Policy, Stakeholder Engagement, Institutional Engagement
Summer Research Fellow
at University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA),
Biocomplexity Institute, Data Science For Public Good

Supervised by Gizem Korkmaz( ) , Brandon Kramer( ) , Joel Thurston( )
Domain: Data Science
Type: Development, Research
Dates: 6 / 2020 to 8 / 2020
Workload: 40 hrs per week
As a summer Research Fellow, I served as participant lead for two projects, one focused on ontology & taxonomy development for army personnel performance assessments, the other on systematic valuation of open source development processes. Also in this capacity, I developed/produced code, analyses (qualitative and quantitative), and web content. Additionally, I performed data curation/cleaning, linked datasets, created visualizations, presented insights, and managed interns.
Technical skills: Software Development, Web Development, Data Analysis, Data Curation, Data Cleaning, Dataset Quality Assessment, Data Visualization, Python, Git, SQL
Non-technical skills: Presentation Development and Delivery, Project Management, Team Management, Mentorship, Report Production, Stakeholder Engagement, Problem Scoping, Collaboration, Rapid Production Frameworks, Multi-audience Presentation Production and Delivery
Neuroscience Representative
at Indiana University Bloomington (Bloomington, IN),
Graduate and Professional Student Government

Domain: Academic Governance
Type: Leadership/Service, Policy
Dates: 8 / 2017 to 5 / 2020
Workload: ~ 2 - 3 hrs per week
As the elected representative for graduate students from the Program in Neuroscience to the Graduate and Professional Student Government, I helped to shape and develop resolutions, and was overall an active member of the organization.
Non-technical skills: Representation, Resolution Development, Constituent Advocacy, Public Speaking, Robert's Rules of Order
Undergraduate Research Assistant
at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC),
Department of Biological Sciences

Supervised by John Godwin( ) , Ryan Wong( )
Domain: Neurobiology and Behavior
Type: Research
Dates: 8 / 2012 to 5 / 2015
Workload: 10 hrs per week
As an undergraduate researcher I assisted the Godwin lab's exploration of stress and anxiety markers in the brain of a model species (zebra fish). I ran experiments, collected and analyzed data, prepared and processed biological samples, maintained subject stocks, developed grants, and presented research results.
Technical skills: Behavioral Testing, Movement Tracking Analysis, Cryosectioning, Microscopy, In-situ Hybridization (ISH), DNA/RNA Extraction, Slide Preparation, Protocol Optimization, Movement Tracking Data Processing, Subject Monitoring and Maintenance
Non-technical skills: Grant Writing, Science Communication, Poster Presentation, Research Review, Article Summary and Discussion, Resource Monitoring and Management
Chief Editor, Undergraduate Research Journal
at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC),
Office of Undergraduate Research

Supervised by Chris Ashwell( )
Domain: Academic Publishing
Type: Editorial, Leadership/Service
Dates: 8 / 2013 to 5 / 2015
Workload: ~ 1 - 2 hrs per week
As the chief editor of the undergraduate research journal I evaluated submissions and provided feedback to authors. I also collaborated with faculty in support of organization.
Non-technical skills: Research Article Review, Feedback Provision, Manuscript Revision, Collaboration
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC),
Genetics Program

Supervised by Ted Emigh( )
Domain: Genetics
Type: Teaching
Dates: 8 / 2014 to 12 / 2014
Workload: ~ 3 - 5 hrs per week
As a graduate teaching assistant for GN 311 - Principles of Genetics, I led discussion sections, lectured and reviewed, held office hours, and graded course assignments and tests.
Non-technical skills: Grading, Classroom Management, Discussion Section Coordination, Individualized Instruction
Vice President, Future Society Club
at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC),
Future Society Club

Domain: Technology and Society
Type: Leadership/Service
Dates: 8 / 2013 to 5 / 2015
Workload: ~ 1 hrs per week
As Vice President of the NCSU Future Society Club, I led meetings, scheduled and organized talks, and managed membership. Meeting topics included technology, science, society, and the interplay between these.
Non-technical skills: Leadership, Event Coordination, Membership Management, Discussion Facilitation, Organizational Continuity and Preservation
Summer Scholar
at Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC),
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM)

Supervised by John Jackson( ) , Sookwon Ryu( )
Domain: Regenerative Medicine
Type: Research
Dates: 6 / 2013 to 8 / 2013
Workload: 40 hrs per week
As a summer research scholar I engaged in a focused and intensive research project centered around characterizing and calibrating the process for producing functional thymic organoids for immune system function revitalization. I assisted with sample production, processing, and analysis, in addition to also presenting on project status and findings. This work was supported by a SENS Research Foundation Summer research fellowship.
Technical skills: Tissue Extraction, Tissue Culture, Cell Culturing, Cryosectioning, Advanced Microscopy, Immunofluorescence, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis
Non-technical skills: Multi-audience Presentation Production and Delivery, Team Research, Team Science, Biomedical Industry Research and Development, Rapid Production Frameworks, Poster Presentation, Research Review, Report Production, Multi-stakeholder Reporting and Communication, Collaboration, Resource Monitoring and Management
Graduate Teaching Assistant
at University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH),
Department of Philosophy

Domain: Philosophy
Type: Teaching
Dates: 8 / 2009 to 5 / 2011
Workload: ~ 10 - 20 hrs per week
As a graduate teaching assistant, I provided assistance for a number of philosophy courses with grading and classroom management, led discussion sections, and held office hours for various courses in ethics, introduction to philosophy, political philosophy, and classical philosophy.
Non-technical skills: Performance Assessment, Classroom Management, Discussion Section Coordination, Individualized Instruction, Feedback Provision
Psychology Instructor
at Duke University Talent Identification Program (Durham, NC),
Duke University Talent Identification Program

Domain: Psychology
Type: Teaching
Dates: 6 / 2010 to 8 / 2010 , &
           6 / 2011 to 8 / 2011
Workload: 40+ hrs per week
As a psychology instructor at Duke TIP, I led an intensive and comprehensive introduction to psychology for academically gifted high school students. This course was taught at a 101 level and covered the standard range of topics that would be expected in a first-year college course.
Non-technical skills: Course Design, Syllabus Formation, Instruction, Performance Assessment, Progress Reporting, Classroom Management
Undergraduate Research Assistant
at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC),
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Supervised by Joseph Hopfinger( ) , Emily Parks( )
Domain: Neuroimaging
Type: Research
Dates: 8 / 2007 to 5 / 2009
Workload: ~ 3 - 5 hrs per week
As an undergraduate research assistant I aided with research and data collection for projects involving EEG and eye tracking (using the attentional blink paradigm) as we studied memory and emotion's effects on attentional control.
Technical skills: Experimental Design, Subject Recruitment, Behavioral Testing, EEG, Eye Tracking, Data Management, Data Analysis, Data Curation
Non-technical skills: Research Ethics, Project Management, Collaboration, Science Communication, IRB Protocols
Psychology Teaching Assistant
at Duke University Talent Identification Program (Durham, NC),
Duke University Talent Identification Program

Domain: Psychology
Type: Teaching
Dates: 6 / 2009 to 8 / 2009
Workload: 40+ hrs per week
As a psychology teaching assistant at Duke TIP, I provided assistance with grading and classroom management, and led daily review sessions.
Non-technical skills: Grading, Classroom Management, Review session Leadership
Nanotechnology Teaching Assistant
at Duke University Talent Identification Program (Durham, NC),
Duke University Talent Identification Program

Domain: Nanotechnology
Type: Teaching
Dates: 6 / 2008 to 8 / 2008
Workload: 40+ hrs per week
As a nanotechnology teaching assistant at Duke TIP, I provided assistance with grading and classroom management, and led daily review sessions.
Non-technical skills: Grading, Classroom Management, Review session Leadership
Pre-Baccalaureate Research Assistant
at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC),
Center for Integrated Fungal Research

Supervised by Tarek Joobeur( )
Domain: Plant Pathology
Type: Research
Dates: 11 / 2004 to 5 / 2005
Workload: ~ 5 - 10 hrs per week
As a pre-baccalaureate research assistant researching Fusarium wilt (a plant disease) in melons I explored genetic hallmarks of susceptibility and resilience. I was trained to assist with a number of research production processes, including both work in the field and at the lab-bench.
Technical skills: PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Sample Preparation and Processing, Sample Management
Non-technical skills: Manuscript Development, Research Article Review


A Reproducible Pipeline for Parcellation of the Anterior Limb of the Internal Capsule 12-01
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Sretavan, K., Braun, H., Liu, Z., Bullock, D., Palnitkar, T., Patriat, R., Chandrasekaran, J., Brenny, S., Johnson, M. D., Widge, A. S., Harel, N., & Heilbronner, S. R. (2024). A Reproducible Pipeline for Parcellation of the Anterior Limb of the Internal Capsule. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 9(12), 1249-1261. A decentralized and open source cloud platform to support neuroscience research 06-03
arXiv Hayashi, S., Caron, B. A., Heinsfeld, A. S., Vinci-Booher, S., McPherson, B., Bullock, D. N., ... & Pestilli, F. (2023). brainlife. io: A decentralized and open source cloud platform to support neuroscience research. ArXiv.Current Research in Neurobiology, revision under review,
The use of chemogenetic actuator ligands in nonhuman primate DREADDs-fMRI 12-30
Current Research in Neurobiology Adriana K. Cushnie, Daniel N. Bullock, Ana M. G. Manea, Wei Tang, Jan Zimmermann, Sarah R.Heilbronner, The use of chemogenetic actuator ligands in nonhuman primate DREADDs-fMRI, Current Research in Neurobiology, in press,
Development of white matter tracts between and within the dorsal and ventral streams 03-10
Brain Structure and Function Vinci-Booher, S., Caron, B., Bullock, D., James, K., & Pestilli, F. (2022). Development of white matter tracts between and within the dorsal and ventral streams. Brain Structure and Function, 227(4), 1457-1477.
A taxonomy of the brain’s white matter: twenty-one major tracts for the 21st century 02-15
Cerebral Cortex Daniel N Bullock, Elena A Hayday, Mark D Grier, Wei Tang, Franco Pestilli, Sarah R Heilbronner, A taxonomy of the brain’s white matter: twenty-one major tracts for the 21st century, Cerebral Cortex, Volume 32, Issue 20, 15 October 2022, Pages 4524–4548,
Visual information routes in the posterior dorsal and ventral face network studied with intracranial neurophysiology and white matter tract endpoints 01-15
Cerebral Cortex Babo-Rebelo, M., Puce, A., Bullock, D., Hugueville, L., Pestilli, F., Adam, C., ... & George, N. (2022). Visual information routes in the posterior dorsal and ventral face network studied with intracranial neurophysiology and white matter tract endpoints. Cerebral Cortex, 32(2), 342-366.
Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset? 10-22
NeuroImage Schilling, K. G., Rheault, F., Petit, L., Hansen, C. B., Nath, V., Yeh, F. C., ... & Descoteaux, M. (2021). Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset?. NeuroImage, 243, 118502.
A model of the development of major white matter pathways within and between ventral and dorsal visual streams 09-27
Journal of Vision Vinci-Booher, S., Caron, B., Bullock, D., James, K., & Pestilli, F. (2021). A model of the development of major white matter pathways within and between ventral and dorsal visual streams. Journal of Vision, 21(9), 2698-2698.
Computational Segmentation of White Matter Anatomy: Methods, Insights, and Standards 06-01
Indiana University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing Bullock, D. (2021). Computational Segmentation of White Matter Anatomy: Methods, Insights, and Standards.
Collegiate athlete brain data for white matter mapping and network neuroscience 02-11
Scientific Data Caron, B., Stuck, R., McPherson, B. et al. Collegiate athlete brain data for white matter mapping and network neuroscience. Sci Data 8, 56 (2021).
The human endogenous attentional control network includes a ventro-temporal cortical node 01-15
Nature Communications Sani, I., Stemmann, H., Caron, B., Bullock, D., Stemmler, T., Fahle, M., ... & Freiwald, W. A. (2021). The human endogenous attentional control network includes a ventro-temporal cortical node. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-16.
Classifyber, a robust streamline-based linear classifier for white matter bundle segmentation 01-01
NeuroImage Bertò, G., Bullock, D., Astolfi, P., Hayashi, S., Zigiotto, L., Annicchiarico, L., ... & Olivetti, E. (2021). Classifyber, a robust streamline-based linear classifier for white matter bundle segmentation. NeuroImage, 224, 117402.
Bundle analytics, a computational framework for investigating the shapes and profiles of brain pathways across populations 10-13
Scientific reports Chandio, B. Q., Risacher, S. L., Pestilli, F., Bullock, D., Yeh, F. C., Koudoro, S., ... & Garyfallidis, E. (2020). Bundle analytics, a computational framework for investigating the shapes and profiles of brain pathways across populations. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-18.
Advanced mapping of the human white matter microstructure better separates elite sports participation 08-25
PsyArXiv Caron, B., Bullock, D., Kitchell, L., McPherson, B. C., Kellar, D. A., Cheng, H., ... & Pestilli, F. (2020). Advanced mapping of the human white matter microstructure better separates elite sports participation. PsyArXiv.
Associative white matter connecting the dorsal and ventral posterior human cortex 07-24
Brain Structure and Function Bullock, D., Takemura, H., Caiafa, C.F. et al. Associative white matter connecting the dorsal and ventral posterior human cortex. Brain Struct Funct 224, 2631–2660 (2019).
The open diffusion data derivatives, brain data upcycling via integrated publishing of derivatives and reproducible open cloud services 05-23
Scientific data Avesani, P., McPherson, B., Hayashi, S., Caiafa, C. F., Henschel, R., Garyfallidis, E., ... & Pestilli, F. (2019). The open diffusion data derivatives, brain data upcycling via integrated publishing of derivatives and reproducible open cloud services. Scientific data, 6(1), 1-13.
Anatomically-Informed Multiple Linear Assignment Problems for White Matter Bundle Segmentation 04-08
2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging Bertò, G., Avesani, P., Pestilli, F., Bullock, D., Caron, B., & Olivetti, E. (2019, April). Anatomically-Informed Multiple Linear Assignment Problems for White Matter Bundle Segmentation. In 2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019) (pp. 135-138). IEEE.
Shape analysis of white matter tracts via the Laplace-Beltrami spectrum 09-20
International Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging Kitchell, L., Bullock, D., Hayashi, S., & Pestilli, F. (2018, September). Shape analysis of white matter tracts via the Laplace-Beltrami spectrum. In International Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging (pp. 195-206). Springer, Cham.
Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) clone dan18 putative D-type cyclin gene, partial cds. 06-18

Presentations and Posters

TRX: A community-oriented tractography file format2022Organization for Human Brain MappingPresentationFrancois Rheault, Valérie Hayot-Sassonb, Robert E. Smith, Christopher Rordend, Jacques-Donald Tourniere, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Fang-Cheng Yehh, Christopher J. Markiewicz, Matthew Brett, Ben Jeurissenk, Paul A. Taylor, D. Baran Aydogan, Derek A. Pisner, Serge Koudorof, Soichi Hayashi, Daniel Haehn, Steve Pieper, Daniel Bullock, Emanuele Olivetti, Jean-Christophe Houde, Marc-Alexandre Côté, Flavio Dell’Acqua, Alexander Leemansy, Maxime Descoteaux, Bennett Landman, Franco Pestilli, Ariel Rokem
The relationship between the microstructure of vertical white matter pathways and behavior in early elementary school children2019Cognitive Development Society Biennial ConferencePresentationSophia Vinci-Booher, Daniel Bullock, Bradley Caron, Brent McPherson, Karen H. James, Franco Pestilli
Making network neuroscience more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable via brainlife.io2019Organization for Human Brain MappingPosterBrent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Bradley Caron, Lindsey Kitchell, Soichi Hayashi, Josh Faskowitz, Olaf Sporns, Richard Betzel, Paolo Avesani, Franco Pestilli
Orchestrating Cloud Networks for Discoverable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Neuroscience2019Organization for Human Brain MappingPosterSoichi Hayashi, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Bradley Caron, Daniel Bullock, Paolo Avesani, Robert Henschel, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Lei Wang, Ivo Dinov, Franco Pestilli
Segmentation of White Matter Bundles as Anatomically-Informed Multiple Linear Assignment Problems2019Organization for Human Brain MappingPosterGiulia Bertó, Paolo Avesani, Franco Pestilli, Daniel Bullock, Bradley Caron, Emanuele Olivetti
Microstructural Differences in Both the White- and Gray-matter Tissue Distinguish Athletes Groups2019Organization for Human Brain MappingPosterBradley Caron, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Derek Keller, Hu Cheng, Sharlene Newman, Nicholas Port, Franco Pestilli
White Matter Mapping on A Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable Implementation2019Organization for Human Brain MappingPosterDaniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Bradley Caron, Franco Pestilli
Advanced White Matter Mapping in the Subconcussive Brain2018AAN Sports Concussion Conference, Big Ten-Ivy League TBI Research Consortium SummitPosterBradley Caron, Derek Keller, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Hu Cheng, Sharlene Newman, Nicholas Port, Franco Pestilli
White Matter Tracts as Classification Features for Machine Learning2018Midwest Cognitive Science ConferencePosterLindsey Kitchell, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashis, Franco Pestilli
Clarifying the anatomical organization and cortical projections of multiple major white matter tracts associating the human temporal and parietal lobes2018Society for NeurosciencePosterDaniel Bullock, Hiromasa Takemura, Cesar F. Caiafa, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Bradley Caron, Franco Pestilli
Shape Analysis of White Matter Tracts via the Laplace-Beltrami Spectrum2018Shape in Medical Imaging Workshop at MICCAIPosterLindsey Kitchell, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Franco Pestilli
Multidimensional Encoding of Structural Brain Connectomes: Building Quantitative Biological Networks with Preserved Edge Properties to Study the Visual White Matter and Brain Aging2017Network Science, Society for NeurosciencePresentationFranco Pestilli, Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Andrea Avena-Koenigsberger, Joey Contreras, Cesar Caiafa, Olaf Sporns, Andrew Saykin
Evidence for a Direct White Matter Tract Between Human Parietal and Inferotemporal Cortex2016Association for Psychological SciencePosterDaniel Bullock, Julian Moehlen, Brent McPherson, Cesar Caiafa, Hiromasa Takemura, Franco Pestilli
The Posterior Associative White Matter Network Connecting Temporal and Parietal Human Brain Lobes2016Society for NeurosciencePosterDaniel Bullock, Hiromasa Takemura, Cesar F. Caiafa, Franco Pestilli
Localization of Differential Neuron Activity in Zebrafish with Distinct Stress Dispositions using c-fos Activity2014State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium, NC State Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, NCSU Spring Biology Capstone SymposiumPosterDaniel Bullock, Ryan Wong, John Godwin
Towards Engineered Thymic Tissue2013Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Research DayPoster and PresentationDaniel Bullock, Sookwon Ryu, Ashis Mondal, James Yoo, John Jackson

Awards, Fellowships and Grants

Title and SourceTypeDurationLink
AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow
at National Science Foundation (NSF) via Association For the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Fellowship 8 / 2022 to 8 / 2024
Neuroimaging NIH Postdoctoral Training Fellowship (T32)
at University of Minnesota via National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
Fellowship 1 / 2022 to 8 / 2022
Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) Young Scholars program
at University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute via Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG)
Fellowship 6 / 2020 to 8 / 2020
Clinical Translational NIMH Predoctoral Training Fellowship (T32)
at Indiana University Bloomington, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Clinical Science Program via National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Fellowship 8 / 2018 to 5 / 2020
UW eScience Institute Neurohackacademy Summer Scholar
at University of Washington eScience Institute via NeuroHackAcademy
Fellowship 8 / 2019 to 9 / 2019
Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) Training Fellowship
at Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) via National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Fellowship 12 / 2016 to 1 / 2017
Psychological and Brain Sciences departmental fellowship
at Indiana University Bloomington via Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Fellowship 8 / 2015 to 5 / 2017
SENS Research Foundation Summer Scholar
at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine via Sens Research Foundation
Fellowship 6 / 2013 to 8 / 2013
Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Summer Scholar
at Wake Forest University School of Medicine via Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Fellowship 6 / 2013 to 8 / 2013
NCSU Undergraduate Research Grant
at North Carolina State University via Office of Undergraduate Research
Grant 1 / 2013 to 6 / 2013 , and
1 / 2014 to 6 / 2014