Indiana University Bloomington, IN Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Program in Neuroscience Majors: Psychology & Neuroscience (Ph.D) | 2015 - 2021 |
North Carolina State University, NC Department of Biology Major: Biology (B.S) Minors: Math & Genetics | 2005 - 2006 2012 - 2015 |
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH Department of Philosophy, Graduate School Major: Philosophy of Cognitive Science | 2009 - 2011 |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Departments of Philosophy and Psychology Majors: Psychology & Philosophy (B.A.) Minor: Cognitive Science | 2006 - 2009 |
Computational Neuroanatomy; PI: Sarah Heilbronner (UMN) Project: Anatomically informed segmentation of white matter Production of automated segmentation methods for major white matter tracts in tractography using cross-species and literature-based information. Visualization of tractography & segmentation results. Quantification of tract properties. Development and maintenance of several code repositories. | Summer 2021 - Fall 2022 |
Computational Neuroanatomy; PI: Franco Pestilli (IU-B) Project: Associative white matter tracts in the human brain Production of automated segmentation methods for major white matter tracts in tractography. Visualization of tractography & segmentation results. Quantification of tract properties. Web application development for Development of tractography quality assurance methods. Development and maintenance of several code repositories. Development of data type specifications. | Fall 2015 - Summer 2021 |
DSPG Summer Research Fellow; PI: Gizem Korkmaz (UVA BioC. In.) Project: Open Source Software, Trends in Contributions and Collaborations Project: Army Performance Measurement, Content and Themes Developed software, developed websites, performed analyses (qualitative and quantitative), performed data curation/cleaning, linked datasets, created visualizations, presented insights, managed interns. | Summer 2020 |
Neurobiology & Behavior Laboratory; PI: John Godwin (NCSU) Project: Identification of zebrafish brain regions involved with stress response via in-situ hybridization for c-fos Behavioral testing, analysis of movement tracking data, cryosectioning, microscopy, ISH, DNA/RNA extraction, slide preparation, protocol optimization, grant writing. Developed and presented talks, presented work at numerous poster sessions. | Fall 2012 - Spring 2015 |
WFIRM Summer Scholar; PI: John Jackson (WFU) Project: Regeneration of thymic tissue and function using a mouse model Performed tissue extraction, cell culturing, decellularization, cryosectioning, advanced microscopy, immunofluorescence, PCR & gel electrophoresis. Developed and presented talks on ongoing work. | Summer 2013 |
Neuroimaging Research Laboratory; PI: Joseph Hopfinger (UNC) Project: Investigation of endogenous and exogenous attentional control using attentional blink paradigm Ran subject behavioral trials, obtained subject IRB documentation, preparation for and conduct of EEGs, utilized eye-tracking device & software, managed subject results & data, troubleshot user-interface coding, assisted in lab writing projects. | Fall 2007 - Spring 2009 |
Center for Integrated Fungal Research; PI: Tarek Joobeur (NCSU) Project: Investigating the genetic basis of Fusarium wilt resistance in melons Managed and prepared samples, conducted PCR and gel electrophoresis, participation in article manuscript development, journal club. | Fall 2004 - Spring 2005 |
IU Bloomington Graduate teaching assistant Provided assistance with grading and classroom management. Led discussion sections and held office hours. Courses/topics include research methods and statistics, cognitive neuroscience, and social neuroscience. | Fall 2020 - Spring 2021; Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 |
NCSU Teaching Assistant: GN 311 - Principles of Genetics Led discussion sections and held office hours. Graded course assignments and tests. | Fall 2014 |
University of Cincinnati Teaching Assistant Provided assistance with grading and classroom management. Led discussion sections and held office hours. Courses/topics include ethics, introduction to philosophy, political philosophy, and classical philosophy. | Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters, 2009 - 2011 |
Duke TIP 1. Psychology Instructor Developed syllabus, developed course materials, led instruction, assessed performance, provided progress reports. 2. Psychology Teaching Assistant Provided assistance with grading and classroom management. Led daily review sessions. 3. Nanotechnology Teaching Assistant Provided assistance with grading and classroom management. Led daily review sessions. | 1. Summers 2010 & 2011 2. Summer 2009 3. Summer 2008 |
IU Bloomington 1. Chair, Benefits committee (IU GPSG): Chaired committee representing and advocating on behalf of graduate and professional student government (GPSG) on issues related to compensation, benefits, and professional issues. Regularly met/communicated with university administrators (e.g. Dean of University Graduate School) about policy development, mutual endeavors, and specific concerns. Member of GPSG executive committee. Managed team of graduate student representatives. 2. Member, Technology Policy Committee (BFC): Represented GPSG on campus issues related to technology implementation. Regular meeting topics included virtual conferencing (e.g. Zoom), email & data platforms, and research data storage and ownership. 3. Member: Research Affairs Committee (BFC): Represented graduate student researchers on campus issues related to research affairs. Regular meeting topics included COVID impacts, conflict of interest management, research disclosures, campus open access policies, NTT researchers, and other subjects. Worked with campus stakeholders and administrators from the Office of Research Administration, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, and others. 4. Representative, Bloomington Faculty Council (BFC): Voting member of the campus faculty council representing graduate student researchers on all matters coming before the council. Topics include campus level policy, resolutions, and campus development planning. 5. Graduate student researcher ambassador, IU GPSG: General representative of graduate student researchers on campus. Often met or interacted with campus/university administrators on specific issues and persistent ad hoc committees. 6. Neuroscience Representative, IU GPSG: Represented graduate students from the Program in Neuroscience to the Graduate and Professional Student Government. Helped to shape and develop resolutions. Active member. 7. Indiana University Representative, Indiana Science Communication Day: Participated in multi-university advocacy day at Indiana State House. Engaged policy makers and staff members to emphasize importance of science and continued support of science. | 1. Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 2. Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 3. Fall 2017 - Spring 2021 4. Fall 2017 - Spring 2021 5. Fall 2017 - Spring 2021 6. Fall 2017 - Spring 2020 7. March 2, 2020 |
NCSU Vice President, NCSU Future Society Club Led meetings, scheduled and organized talks, managed membership. Meeting topics included technology, science, society, and the interplay between these. Chief Editor: NCSU Undergraduate Research Journal Served as the chief editor of the undergraduate research journal. Evaluated submissions and provided feedback to authors. Collaborated with faculty in support of organization. | 2013 - 2015 2013 - 2015 |
Languages/formats: Matlab, python, SQL, regex, Markdown, JSON, jupyter, docker, git/GitHub |
Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Bradley Caron, Franco Pestilli. White Matter Mapping on A Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable Implementation Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy | 2019 |
Bradley Caron, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Derek Keller, Hu Cheng, Sharlene Newman, Nicholas Port, Franco Pestilli. Microstructural differences in both the white- and gray-matter tissue distinguish athletes groups Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy | 2019 |
Giulia Bertó, Paolo Avesani, Franco Pestilli, Daniel Bullock, Bradley Caron, Emanuele Olivetti. Segmentation of White Matter Bundles as Anatomically-Informed Multiple Linear Assignment Problems. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy | 2019 |
Soichi Hayashi, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Bradley Caron, Daniel Bullock, Paolo Avesani, Robert Henschel, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Lei Wang, Ivo Dinov, Franco Pestilli. Orchestrating cloud networks for discoverable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable neuroscience Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy | 2019 |
Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Bradley Caron, Lindsey Kitchell, Soichi Hayashi, Josh Faskowitz, Olaf Sporns, Richard Betzel, Paolo Avesani, Franco Pestilli. Making network neuroscience more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable via Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome, Italy | 2019 |
Sophia Vinci-Booher, Daniel Bullock, Bradley Caron, Brent McPherson,, Karen H. James, & Franco Pestilli. The relationship between the microstructure of vertical white matter pathways and behavior in early elementary school children. Cognitive Development Society Biennial Conference, Louisville, KY | Oct, 2019 |
Kitchell, Lindsey, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Franco Pestilli. Shape Analysis of White Matter Tracts via the Laplace-Beltrami Spectrum Shape in Medical Imaging Workshop at MICCAI, Granada, Spain | 2018 |
Daniel Bullock, Hiromasa Takemura, Cesar F. Caiafa, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Bradley Caron, Franco Pestilli. Clarifying the anatomical organization and cortical projections of multiple major white matter tracts associating the human temporal and parietal lobes. Society for Neuroscience | 2018 |
Lindsey Kitchell, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashis, Franco Pestilli. White Matter Tracts as Classification Features for Machine Learning. Midwest Cognitive Science Conference | 2018 |
Bradley Caron, Derek Keller, Lindsey Kitchell, Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Soichi Hayashi, Hu Cheng, Sharlene Newman, Nicholas Port, Franco Pestilli. Advanced white matter mapping in the subconcussive brain. AAN Sports Concussion Conference Big Ten-Ivy League TBI Research Consortium Summit | 2018 2018 |
Franco Pestilli, Brent McPherson, Daniel Bullock, Andrea Avena-Koenigsberger, Joey Contreras, Cesar Caiafa, Olaf Sporns, Andrew Saykin. Multidimensional encoding of structural brain connectomes: Building quantitative biological networks with preserved edge properties to study the visual white matter and brain aging. Society for Neuroscience Network Science, Indianapolis IN. | 2017 2017 |
Daniel Bullock, Hiromasa Takemura, Cesar F. Caiafa, Franco Pestilli. The posterior associative white matter network connecting temporal and parietal human brain lobes. Society for Neuroscience | 2016 |
Daniel Bullock, Julian Moehlen, Brent McPherson, Cesar Caiafa, Hiromasa Takemura, Franco Pestilli. Evidence for a direct white matter tract between human parietal and inferotemporal cortex. Association for Psychological Science, Annual Convention | 2016 |
Daniel Bullock, Ryan Wong, John Godwin. Localization of differential neuron activity in zebrafish with distinct stress dispositions using c-fos activity. State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium NC State Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium NCSU Spring Biology Capstone Symposium | 2014 2014 2014 |
Daniel Bullock, Sook Won Ryu, Ashis Mondal, James Yoo, John Jackson. Towards Engineered Thymic Tissue Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Research Day | 2013 |
Grants & Awards: 1. Neuroimaging NIH Postdoctoral Training Fellowship (T32) 2. Clinical Translational NIMH Predoctoral Training Fellowship (T32) 3. Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet) fellowship 4. Psychological and Brain Sciences departmental fellowship 5. Spring/Summer NCSU Undergraduate Research Grant 6. Spring/Summer NCSU Undergraduate Research Grant | 1. Jan 2022 - Present 2. Fall 2018 - Spring 2020 3. Winter 2016 - 2017 4. Fall 2015 - Spring 2017 5. 2014 6. 2013 |
Honors / Academic Internships: Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) Young Scholars program Indiana Science Communication Day, IU Representative UW eScience Institute Neurohackacademy Summer Scholar SENS Research Foundation Summer Research Intern Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Summer Scholar | 2020 2020 2019 2013 2013 |